Ho Ho Ho And On We Sew

Welcome to Quilts with Personality and thank you for stopping by for the December Ho Ho And On We Sew Link Up Party sponsored by Fiona @  The Celtic Thistle   and Paula @ Mud Pies and Pins   If you have made a fun project for the festive season link up your project for the chance to win two great giveaway prizes: a copy of Katy Jones’s “25 Patchwork Quilts” book sponsored by Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches and a AU$30 voucher to spend at Amitie Textiles courtesy of  Quilts with Personality.  Link button at the bottom of the post.

Christmas Link Party Button2

I was thrilled when Fiona asked me to contribute to this party and I am delighted to share my Reindeer Christmas  Runner tutorial with you.  I hope you enjoy making it as much as I have!

 1.   Material Requirements

1.1   12″/ 30cm (WOF) Grey spot fabric,  8″/ 20cm/ (WOF) White base fabric, 1 Fat Quarter of Tree Fabric, 1 Fat Quarter of Reindeer Fabric, 1 Fat 16th House Fabric,  Scraps for House Roof and  Candy Cane Sticks.  26″/ 66cm (WOF) Backing Fabric and Batting and 10″/ 25cm (WOF) Binding

Vliesofix Adhesive Paper for Applique, Applique mat, Sewing Machine, cotton thread for Applique, perle 8 Cotton for hand quilting,  Frixion pen and general sewing supplies.


2. Background Preparation.

2.1  Cut 12″ (WOF) Grey spot fabric,  8″ (WOF) White base fabric

2.2 Draw a wavy line on the spotted grey fabric near the base using a Frixion pen ( removeable with hot iron).

2.3  Trim the fabric a quarter inch from drawn line.

2.4  Press the quarter inch seam to wrong side to obtain a wavy line.    Where the curve bends (convex) snip with scissors to ensure the fabric sits flat on the base fabric.  The top fabric is appliqued to the base fabric.

2.5   Pin the top fabric to the base fabric ( right side facing up both fabrics) and slip stitch in place.  Stitch as if you were sewing the binding of your quilt using a matching coloured thread.

3. Applique Preparation

3.1 Draw the all applique shapes on the paper side of the Vliesofix and cut out shapes  a quarter inch from the drawn line.  Click here for Applique components.

3.4 Iron the cut out shapes onto the wrong side of the fabric.  Cut out the fabric shapes on the drawn lines. There are a number of Vliesofix type fabrics please ensure you us the manufacturers directions. Shapes for runner can be found here!  Please note that the applique shapes should be printed at 100% .  Also make sure that the box on the sheet measures 1inch to obtain the correct size.

3.5  Place the applique shapes, fabric side up, on the base fabric to achieve the desired look.  You may use the finished runner photo as a guide. Alternatively you may choose to change the placement of the shapes.  When you are happy with the placement take a photo as a reference to ensure the shapes are adhered in the desired sequence.  Lift the applique shape and mark eg # 1 on the background fabric, in a place that will not be seen, and # 1 on the paper side of the applique shape.   I recommend using the frixion pen as it is easily removed with a warm iron incase you change your mind. Repeat the numbering  process until all shapes are referenced on the background fabric with corresponding number of the shapes.

4.  Machine Applique

4.1  Assemble the components of the House,  applique mat and house drawing.  Place the attached  house drawing under the applique mat.  Remove  the Vliesofix paper from the applique and place on the mat using the drawing as a placement reference.  Then repeat for the roof and door components.  Once you are happy with the placement, press the applique with a hot iron ( no steam).  The house component will be fused together and can then be removed (when cool) from the mat onto the background fabric

4.2  Press the house onto the back ground fabric.  Repeat the above process for the assembly of the Trees.  The Reindeers and Candy Canes can be place directly onto the background  fabric and pressed in place.

4.2  Now we are ready to machine applique.  I chose to use Blanket Stitch to secure my applique shapes.  I like blanket stitch because I don’t need to use a stabliser.  I recommend that you practice your raw edge applique blanket stitch before stitching the runner.  This will allow you to play with machine settings and also practice reducing stitch size  to accommodate narrow applique shapes.

4.3  Applique the shapes in place using blanket stitch.  It is important that you follow your sewing machine settings for this type of stitch and applique.  You may choose another stitch such as satin stitch if you do not have a blanket stitch.  Alternatively you may needle turn applique by adding a turn under allowance.

5.  Basting

5.1  Place the 26″ WOF backing fabric on a flat surface.  Press with hands to ensure fabric is flat smooth with no wrinkles. Place the 26″ x  44″ batting on top of the backing fabric and smooth out.  Then place the appliqued top and smooth out to remove any crinkles.  Pin the basted runner together ensuring pins are no more than a hand width apart.

6. Hand Quilting

Now that the basting is complete you can commence hand quilting.  I like to quilt with a hoop and perle 8 cotton.

6.1  Hand quilt approximately a quarter inch around each shape to provide definition.

6.2  Draw out your quilting pattern on the runner top using the Frixion pen.  I marked the grey spot fabric with  wavy vertical lines to represent snow following.  I then marked horizontal wavy lines on the white fabric to represent the snow.

6.3  Trim the runner to the desired size.  I trimmed to 16″ x 42″.  I like a thin binding.  If you like a thicker binding the cut to your desired size.

7. Binding

7.1  Calculate the binding requirements and cut binding material 21/4″  and sew the long ends together .  Press seams open .  Then fold over at one end to press the raw edge in. Binding requirements 42 +16 + 42 + 16 = 116″

7.2  Then fold the strips in half length wise and press with a steam iron.

8. Finish

8.1  Sew the raw edge of  binding to the raw edge of  front of runner a quarter of an inch in.  Mitre the corners and then fold fabric to wrong side and hand stitch in place.  Alternately you may choose to machine sew the binding.  Voila – one Christmas Runner!

Prizes for this month link party are:

HHHaoWS December giveaway_JPG

This fabulous Book sponsored by Fiona @  The Celtic Thistle

Amitie Gift Voucher

Amitie Gift Voucher for $30 AUD sponsored by Quilts with Personality

Now its your turn to link up what you have been working on for the Ho Ho Ho And of We Sew party. Remember to visit other blogs that have linked up and leave some comment love.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Fiona @  The Celtic Thistle and Paula @ Mud Pies and Pins  for sponsoring the Link party all year.  Also the wonderful sponsors listed below who provided prizes through out the year and make the party even more fun.  Linking this post up with Crazy Mom Quilts!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you All!

Marie xxx

Fluffy Sheep QuiltingQuilting Fabric at the Fat Quarter ShopPlush Addict LogoQuiet PlayRay Stitch HaberdasheryPosie: Patterns and Kits to Stitch by Alicia PaulsonBackstitch